the three month mark...

i knew this day would come. just like i know the six month mark will come. and the year mark will come.
three months since daddy went to heaven.
hard to believe. 
i'm not sure how i feel. it's only 10am... and i'm working on minimal sleep.
i'm sad. my heart is sad. that is probably to be expected. aside from sadness, i can feel the physical pain of missing my dad. wishing i could pick up the phone and call him. the small hope in my heart that he's going to walk through the door. weird that most days i grasp that he's gone, but some days i honest to God don't believe it. i am learning that it is all apart of the process. the process of grief and mourning. 
i am so incredibly grateful to have so many friends and family members that are understanding and supportive. i really appreciate your kind words here at my blog.
i really am trying not to be such a debbie-downer. but today, the honest truth is that i am sad. and i know thats okay. because after the rain comes a rainbow. 
okay that was cheesy. lol

things i am looking forward today:
-going to costco (shopping... even grocery shopping, makes me oh-so-happy)
-my sisters kids are staying the night (because she has to close, boo) and watching ELF with them all before bedtime.
-its payday which means i can finish up my christmas shopping. yay me!
-making more 3D snowflakes
-working on a special (crafty) gift for one of my kids

have a super awesome and productive day! (yep, i said productive!!! hehe)


Unknown said...

love you times ten.
hang in there.

Tiffany said...

sending you the biggest hug today!
Sunday is 16 months for me with my mom, i don't know how that much time has passed....and you know what, i still don't really believe it either. I think somehow it truly is uncomprehendable....
love you~

Living the Life of Riley said...

Agin Im sorry for your loss. I cant even fathom the pain you feel daily. So dont apologize for being a "debbie downer". Know that you are in my thoughts daily (as weird as that sounds)Dads are very special men and I dont know how I am going to cope when its my turn...take care Jen

...on the brink of something beautiful said...

i am so sorry! sending love your way!
trust me, i too know that feeling and it totally sucks, but you seem to be handling it so well (as well as anyone could under the circumstances). hang in there!

© something Big is coming...
Maira Gall