my soul has blossomed...


Yesterday was a dark and gloomy day outside, and I think that inside (me) I can become sensitive to the weather. The holiday cheer became holiday stress, and that is so unlike me.
Those that know me... know that I am almost always a happy and cheerful person. I like to smile (smiling's my favorite) and I'm a goofball pretty much all of the time.
When I am feeling down, very rarely do I share it with anyone... I hide as if I'm ashamed of it, or embarrassed by it. It was a big thing for me to share it yesterday.
Blogging is selective, and I like that. I like having the control to share what I want out loud. But what I have recently found is that blogging has brought into my life some really amazing people. And I would never want to appear as 'not me' just to impress or keep a certain perception of me. (Does this make sense... I'm kinda rambling here).

In any case. I have down days. I know that everyone does, but I always try to 'stiffen-up-that-lower-lip'. I always say 'Sharing is Caring', and I am truly grateful for all that commented yesterday. Both here and in email and text and in person (and of their blogs)... it is because of all of you that my soul has blossomed!


Unknown said...

great post :D

I hope you have a wonderful day!


Jamie said...

I love this! You are amazing & beautiful and I'm blessed to call you "friend". Love you! xoxo

Lindsay said...

I hope you have a better day and a great Christmas :D

CupcakeSniper said...

I know how you feel about when you do have bad days that you feel ashamed of it. But it's nothing to be ashamed of. It's what makes you human. Trust me I've learned. Bottling everything up will do no good. And the thing is, you have so many people here that care that will want to help you brighten up your day! That's what friends are for!

Thank you so much for opening up to us! I know that it is a really hard thing to do and I just want to tell you how proud I am of your courage!!!!

No one here will look down on you for feeling sad and if they do, well they've got bigger problems to deal with! like me >_<! but seriously..I think people respect you for the fact that you're opening up!

I hope that your day gets better. How bout watching Elf?! It's a funny Christmas movie?! :D

CupcakeSniper said...

Yay! Know I'm here whenever you need anything! you can always email me at

For anything! I promise! don't be shy!

I really hope you and the kiddos enjoy watching Elf and that the giggles will come back!!
I'll be praying for you!! :D

angela said...

i'm so excited that i met you. your goofy ways and fun personality make me glad to call you a friend.

xoxox angela

© something Big is coming...
Maira Gall