this weekend i...

*decorated my house for christmas 
(long story short, the hubs will be unavailable for the next 5 weekends, it was this weekend or December 17. plus, i kinda got jipped last year, i barely remember the holidays)

*went on a 7 mile jog/hike with the hubs and two other dudes
(Doug and Sean, who are neighbors, but also apart of the Sonoran Desert Warriors with the hubs, they are participating in the Tough Mudder in January)

*went shopping at Forever 21 with my daughter
(isn't she the cutest thing, just love shopping with her)

*the hubs and I took the kids to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the Cardinals WIN
(seriously, B'dub gets most of my money during football season! we love it there!)

What did you do this weekend?


Gina said...

I think I like your weekend much better than mine! I did alot of cleaning, although I did get in shopping time with my daughter, so that was fun.

I can't get over how much your daughter looks like you. I also can't get over that you decorated for Christmas already...I'm totally jealous!

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

Sounds like you had an interesting weekend. oh and your daughter is adorable, what a fashionista. This weekend I did a little Christmas decorating around the house with my mom too. Did you already put up your Christmas tree?

Tiffany said...

What a fun weekend!
I finished it off with making your AWESOME PEPPERS!! :) I am going to post about it soon!
YUMALISH! Can't wait to try the squash one you just posted!
Thanks for sharing! :)

© something Big is coming...
Maira Gall