fill in the blank friday 1.11

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1.   Winter is       chilly and crisp and usually really pretty  .

2.  Summer is    warm in temperature and light and sometimes even miserably hot  .

3.  If it were summer instead of winter right now I'd     be a whole heck of a lot busier at work. lol  .

4.  My favorite thing to do in winter is    read and sip hot peppermint tea on the couch or in bed (sidenote, i think i need a couch in my bedroom... best of both worlds. hehe)  .

5.  My favorite thing to do in summer is       sip bullfrogs by the pool .

6.  The ideal outfit for a sunny summer day is        bikini with a sarong or coverup, sandals and a large hat   .

7.  The ideal outfit for a frigid winter day is       jeans and tank top, with a tshirt on top, then a cardigan on top, and a jacket on top of that. don't forget the socks and tennis shoes or toms or boots     .
Link up At Lauren's!

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Maira Gall