back to normal blogging life... i'm pretty sure...

I've totally been off the blogging wagon lately. My reasons.. here goes (and these are gonna be honest... eek)

*I'VE BEEN WORKING ON ME... What does that even mean. I know. Well, for me, it means walking away from the ever-consuming computer world and opening up myself to real-life experiences. Difficult really to put into words at this very moment in time (oh, the pressure) but I do actually hope to blog on this / these experiences and adventures often. I've been making concious changes to my daily life (which can sometimes feel like the rat race in a hampster wheel). The biggest change for me is...

*I'VE BEEN 110% ATTENTIVE TO MY HEALTH... The hubs and I joined a gym. Big step. We have our 'Introductory Training Session' tonight. And I ain't gonna lie... I'm a lil scrrred. Aside from that, we are both fully committed (me more than him I think) to eating healthier. No fast food, no junk, less sugar and carbs (well, no sugar or carbs in my case). Because they say you should always consult a physician before you start any diet or workout regimine, that is exactly what I did. Right now I am having some food testing and lab work done. Nothing scary or severe, but my diet is under doctor supervision for the next five weeks (week one has sucked big time) but I am really happy that I am doing this. I'm sure it has to do with the whole 'turning 30' thing, but a huge part of it all for me is feeling good. I've spent several years in some deep holes that involved some deep problems within myself, and I am pulling up my boot staps, being a big girl and taking charge of my healty life!!

*I'VE BECOME A READER... Yes, Me. The one who's reading averages 1/2 a book per year. I guess it goes along the lines of 'Healthy Mind, Healthy Body, Healthy Soul'. But I actually finished my very first book of the year...

and quickly jumped into my second...

okay don't hate. I of all the people in the world was anti-Twilight because of all the hype and the drama and it all just seemed like a waste of time and life. I mean c'mon people were litterally 'throwing themselves' at these hot young actors. After letting my daughter read it (with my mil's approval since she owns all four books and has read them at least 4 times each)... our recent trip to CA all my girlfriends were talking about it (I just couldn't believe it) and swearing by it that it is an absolutely amazing series of books and well written and blah blah blah. So I caved. I caved to the peer pressure. And dag-namit.... I got suckered like the biggest dope ever. I began reading late friday night, and couldn't put it down until I reached chapter 3 (almost a hundered pages in). You're talking to a seriously-slow reader. Saturday was the same way, and I have to admit, I stayed awake until midnight last night because I just *had to get through chapter 13. This is insane, and I never thought it would happen to me, but it did. So... whatev. I formally apologizing for my anti-Twilight behavior and vow never to say another negative word about it. hehe

Well... I didn't expect to blog so much! It's a bit of a novel (must be the reading influencing me. lol)
I promisecakes to be back on top and making you all laugh with my dorkiness!
Who loves you!!!


Gina said...

I will not judge you...I jumped on the Twilight bandwagon in fall 2008! LOL

Suzanne said...

haha! i totally caved recently as well and started reading twilight 2 weeks ago - now i'm half way through new moon. (to put this into proper perspective it took me all of 2009 to read one book :) i only "caved" originally because i found both books for $2 each at a Value Village... now i'm scouring everywhere for the same bargain on the next two books, but i'm thinking i'll have to bite the bullet and pay full retail because i don't think i'll be able to wait long enough for them to turn up at the thrift shops :)

Danielle said...

Okay first off all, I'm obsessed with your blog header! It's PERFECT! Secondly, what did you think of that first book? I'm so curious!


Unknown said...

I have read them all they are good!

Good luck on your road to healthier living its something I am trying to work on myself!

Lindsay said...

good for working on you!! I am a Twihard too! haha. It seems so funny yo me for being a mother and being all swoony over a character in a book. It defeintly pulls you in!!

© something Big is coming...
Maira Gall