What started off as a father's day present (some total random, okay not totally random, will explain later) ended up in pure creative bliss!
I've wanted to start painting, and create mixed media anything for a really-Really long time now. And given the fact that moolah is tighter than Scarlet O'Hara's corset, I decided (in my own mind, now to share with the wind) that my all-time very first (quote unquote)"painting" will be for my Daddy for Father's Day. I started it tonight but was blocked by the 24hours curing process. I was all excited about it that I started another canvas for the "J" wall (pictures to come in the near future). Yet again, blocked by the 24hour curing crapola. Curse! hahahaha. So I decide I'm gonna have more fun with paint (yipee) and work on my new header for my blog (y'all remember, I was gonna *create a new title page for every month). So I did that. And then the mojo was a'flowin and I totally had that Lupe Fiasco song (SuperStar) in my head. I look to my right, find a totally fitting photo-op, took it, and came up with this:
I swear, the whole flippin' idear was in my head (the stars and everything, and sidenote... those that know me know that I totally *hoard my scrapbooking goodies, but I was so free and so inspired and the mojo was taking over that I didn't even blink at what I was 'using up'... it was amazing!)
I can't even tell you how freeing I feel right now! 131am and I am a Creating Goddess!! Wow!
Perhaps my inspiration will inspire other. Spead the love people!!
1 comment
I love that you're back on the creating wagon! I am so ready to be inspired!!
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