Can you believe it's here already... 2016... the New Year!!
And you know what that means...
Time to pick this year's One Little Word.
In the past I've chosen words that reflect my intentions for my family, and my position as a mother. Protect, Awareness, Keep, Positivity. This year rings true to much of the same. It might surprise you, it might not. My OLW for 2016 is...
While this very much could have been the last 6 months of 2015, I've decided to make it my focus for 2016.
With all that is happening in the world, the death and destruction, the anger and hate, it is a scary time to live.
I'm just one person...with a worldly problem, what can I do to help?
I can pray.
There are so many friends and family members currently being affected by tragic events such as cancer, murder, and suicide.
I'm just one person... with such tragedy, what can I do to help?
I can pray.
Within my immediate family, we have been through troubling and trying times. Times that will test our hearts, letting go of old and swallowing new.
I'm just one person...with more times tested on the horizon, what can I do to help?
I can pray.
In this last year I have been down on my knees talking to God more times that I ever had before. I foresee that will increase as I hope 2016 will find answers and acceptance for so many who surround my world.
My prayer for you... is that you find all the things you so richly deserve in 2016. I pray that you find peace, and love. This might sound general and hallmark'y (yes, I made that up... Jen-ism) but I truly mean it. I want those I love to be deeply grateful for this beautiful life and ultimately happy with the gifts we are given daily. Simple gifts life the sun shining, being able to talk to our parents or siblings, loving our children, food in our bellies.