coffee review, third times a charm

Donut Shop Coffee (by Coffee People)... sigh.... I was really hoping to love this one. The packaging is so adroable, and my Mom really does love this coffee. For me.... it was brown water. No flavor, no color, no boldness what-so-ever and that is why I'm giving it...
+++ .5 out of 4 cups +++

Moving along the 'donut' theme... I love this coffee! In fact, this has become my 'regular cup' that's how much I really enjoy this coffee! It's got great flavor, bold enough and with just enough vanilla that creamer need not apply (not that I drink coffee with creamer anymore anyway!) 'Happiness is a cup' can be used to describe this coffee. Get ready... because it's getting...
+++ 4 out of 4 cups +++

So, this morning... being that it's a Monday, and I was up at the crack-of-dawn (actually 6am, which is only 30 minutes earlier than normal time) I decided to lay off the donut coffees and go for something with a donkey kick already in it... Tully's Coffee, House Blend. Definitely is EXTRA Bold, and a little on the bitter side. While I love nature, I don't care for the taste of dirt in my morning cup, and that's kinda what this was. It was successful in getting my butt up and moving around, but when you're grateful to be done with it (so that you don't have to take another sip) I count that as a negative point. 
+++ 2 out of 4 cups +++

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Maira Gall