can SUCK IT!
Dad's cancer spread.
The good news... it spread to his appendix. It was a stage one tumor that was contained in the appendix and removed.
The not so great news... it was a different cancer than the Non-Hotchkins Lymphoma that he already has. Treatment (more than likely) will be chemo... which he already does every 6 months. But will it be more? More aggresive? More treatments? We don't know. We wont know until they meet with the doctors.
In any case, nothing is going to be done until he is recovered from surgery, and from the shingles he currently has (and fyi... I would never wish shingles upon even my worst enemy... its so painful).
Thank you for your continued support and prayers. They really do work... this could have been so much worse.
Additionally, I just wanted to say that I really don't feel like blogging today... we will see what tomorrow has to bring. I don't mean to be a lame blogger.... really, I don't. I just feel like I've been kicked in the junk one too many times in the past few weeks. I know I'll be back on top here soon. Even if I have to drag myself. lol
P.S. Image found on weheartit
love you!
Still praying! Love you!!!! Big hugs! xoxo
Aww I'm sorry to hear that! I now how it feels to have a parent with cancer. It is not fun at all!!
I have been in your shoes. I will be praying for your family.
your dad and family is in my thoughts and prayers!! love!!
in my prayers.
I am so sorry Jen~ It is the worst and there are no words that can help. But I am thinking of you!!
Love, Tiffany
all that and shingles too. your poor father. I had shingles 3 weeks after having my daughter it was worse than child birth.
Your dad is a strong man he will be just fine. think positive.
I'm so sorry to hear this. Your dad & your family will be in my thoughts & prayers. {{{big hugs}}}
hi, i found you through danielle's blog, sometimes sweet. i just wanted to tell you that i'll be sending positive thoughts your way. my brother-in-law is currently on remission from non hodgkin's lymphoma. it was a really helpless time for our family but the prayers & thoughts really meant a lot to me when no one could have answers.
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