Inspiration: Lego Love

hi. today is wednesday, and i needed a little extra sumthin' so i started looking for inspiration... thinkin' about my kids, and just trying to remember being a kid, ya know, before 10 hour work days. lol so, lemme share...

1. legos, 2. Legos, 3. Legos 1-18-2009 1-37-32 PM, 4. Legos, 5. You're" never too old for Legos., 6. on the March, 7. Dinos Legos, 8. in legos, 9. Disney Legos, 10. Legos, 11. again, 12. @ SXSW

Polka Dot Robot had this on her blog... i melted it was so purrfect. my son's love of legos combined with my daughter's love for the movie Grease... yuppers.

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Maira Gall